Equity Membership - Limited to 375 members, this classification is our most prestigious. An Equity Member has full privileges in use of Club facilities, Bass Lake, and all other activities with vested stock interest in Club Equity. This membership allows unlimited golf with no greens fees and is the only classification allowed to vote on Club matters. This membership must be purchased from a current member and must sell its share of stock in order to resign.
· Initiation Fee - $2500 one time
· Dues and Assessment - $435 monthly
· Use It or Lose It Food Minimum - $50 monthly
Non-Equity Social Membership - Limited to 100 members, this membership classification has privileges for use of Club facilities, Bass Lake, and all other social activities. Social members do not have golfing privileges but may play as a guest of a member with golfing privileges, all guest rules apply.
· Initiation Fee - $1000 one time
· Dues and Assessment - $200 monthly
· Use It or Lose It Food Minimum - $50 monthly
Non-Equity Junior Membership - Limited to 25 members, this classification requires members to be under the age of 30. Junior Members enjoy full privileges in use of Club facilities, Bass Lake, and all other activities. Upon reaching the age of 30, Junior Members will be required to purchase another membership classification.
· Initiation Fee - $1000 one time
· Dues and Assessment - $285 monthly
· Use It or Lose It Food Minimum - $40 monthly
Non-Equity Fixed-Term Membership - Limited to 40 members, this classification is a three (3) year, non-renewable membership. Fixed-Term members enjoy full privileges in use of Club facilities, Bass Lake, and all other activities. Rebates are in place to credit portions of the initiation fee toward the purchase of an Equity membership prior to the three-year window. A Fixed Term membership may be transferred one time during the three-year term.
· Initiation Fee - $5000 one time
· Dues and Assessment - $435 monthly
· Use It or Lose It Food Minimum - $50 monthly
Non-Resident, Non-Equity Membership - Limited to 40 members, this membership is only for those who permanently reside outside a 50-mile radius of the Club. Non-Resident Members enjoy full privileges in use of Club facilities, Bass Lake, and all other activities.
· Initiation Fee - $5000 one time
· Dues and Assessment - $435 monthly
· Use It or Lose It Food Minimum - $50 monthly